Partnering for transformation
"The world is changing; climate protection has become a task for society as a whole. National, international politics has set a clear course. We, Salzgitter AG, are rising to the challenge of CO2 reduction, we see it as an opportunity and place it at the center of our actions. This takes courage, courage towards change towards sustainable production processes, sustainable solutions and products - together with our customers."
Gunnar Groebler, Chief Executive Officer
As part of a study by Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung, a steel handlebar concept was conceived, designed and evaluated as an alternative to an aluminum forged handlebar. The result shows interesting advantages in terms of costs and environmental balance - with an acceptable additional weight.
Vehicle emissions
Vehicle emissions per 100 km: gCO2eq/kmEmissions steel production
CO2 Emissions production (Steel handlebar): kgCO2eqEmissions aluminum production
CO2 Emissionen Produktion (Aluminiumlenker): kgCO2eq
This tool was developed by our experts for life cycle analysis. The data originates mainly from the database of the LCA for Experts software from Sphera ( They have been carefully researched and selected. Nevertheless, deviations may result that have a positive or negative influence on the life cycle assessment of the component, so that one concept (steel/aluminum) appears better or worse. The tool is therefore not intended for a quantitative component assessment, but merely to visualize and clarify the most important influences such as the material used and the type of drive. We will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.
Low Emission Steel Standard
Green steel classification system
We want to demonstrate the improved climate impact of SALCOS® products to our customers in a transparent and comparable way. With the Low Emission Steel Standard (LESS), the German Steel Federation, in cooperation with its member companies and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), has created an industry-wide, internationally compatible labelling system for CO2-reduced steel that enables precisely this transparency and comparability.
The standard is based on two pillars: in future, a product will be given a specific product carbon footprint and a classification of the hot-rolled input material. The classes range from E to Near Zero according to the reduced climate impact. All information for the Low Emission Steel Standard is verified and certified by independent testing centres. This enables customers to compare manufacturing processes and products transparently and reliably. LESS and the associated claim to transparency is the core of our SALCOS® green steel brand - all products are classified and certified in accordance with the standard.
Leading the transformation
Since 2015, we have been working with partners from industry and research on the path to virtually climate-neutral steel production. The core of the program is the switch from coal-based steel production to hydrogen-powered direct reduction plants and electricity from renewable sources. By the end of 2033, we will be technically able to reduce our CO2 emissions by around 95 percent.
Our SALCOS® brand stands for physically CO2-reduced green steel products from the Salzgitter Group with a clear product promise and transparent certification. It is the strong result of our vision to transform the industry together with our customers and make a real contribution to decarbonisation. Green steel products can already be sourced from the Group's electric arc furnace route. Steel products from the transformation programme of the same name will follow from 2026.
Recycling strategy
Scrap already plays an important role in steel production today. The recycling rate of steel is almost 100%. Today scrap is either used to produce secondary steel or a fixed percentage is used in primary steel production for process-related reasons. The switch to electric arc furnaces in the SALCOS® route changes the significance of scrap for our primary steel production. In future, scrap can be melted together with DRI in the electric arc furnace to produce steel grades with a variable scrap content. This will enable us to achieve an even lower CO2 footprint. We are aiming for a product range from 0 to 60 % scrap content.
Another driver
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is part of the European Union's (EU) "Fit for 55" package. A primary goal of this package is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by at least 55% by 2030. The European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a key EU climate protection instrument. Companies have to purchase emission allowances for the greenhouse gases they emit.
Companies can now choose to relocate their production to countries with less ambitious climate protection targets to avoid the costs of emission allowances. In order to reduce the incentives to relocate production, particularly emission-intensive companies have so far been given a portion of the emission allowances free of charge. The free allocation will be gradually phased out by 2034 as planned. The CBAM system is now intended to counteract the competitive disadvantages in the EU ETS by aligning the costs of imported goods with goods produced in the EU. To this end, a compensation payment should be made for the import of certain emission-intensive products into the EU, which takes into account the difference in CO2 costs compared to production within the EU.